Presentation of the study day

From the years 2010, public vocational institutions (vocational high schools) or private (Apprenticeship training centre, Institute of Alternance Training (CFA, IFA)) have been faced with the massive influx of young people from elsewhere, Unaccompanied minors (henceforth MNA) or living with a family. Some, who have little or no previous schooling in their home countries, nevertheless carry with them linguistic repertoires and habits of appropriation. However, these acquired are often far from the expectations of French schools. Especially since the Blanquer 2019 law, called «For a school of trust», establishes an obligation to train or enrol 16-18 year olds, with the rectorates being responsible for its implementation. Until then, the MNA or young allophones over sixteen years old were and are often still directed to the Local Missions for find apprenticeship training or employment.

To provide the best possible reception for young people whose language requirements in French are furthest from their expected skills, a number of vocational institutions set up pre-training structures for CAP at the end of 2010. The possibility of an additional year for obtaining the CAP was initially intended for young people who had completed their schooling in France, but it was invested differently given the arrival of this new public. The French teachers who work in these structures are rarely trained to welcome this public with varied needs (professional communication, preparation for CAP, DELF, linguistic and cultural insertion into society), where the main issue is the attainment of a diploma which also conditions the right to stay. Often isolated within their own structure, they tinker around without a formal curriculum. However, unlike the UPE2A in primary and middle school, the Didactics of languages has little investigated and accompanied the training of teachers to the insertion of a public far from school and language standards in these professional paths, which are poorly known to the authorities teacher training.

The first investigations also show a great diversity on the national territory and, locally, depending on the establishment. Some departments require systematic orientation in apprenticeship in a CFA for young people taken care of by child welfare (ASE), others favor an orientation in vocational high school. Some academies welcome long dates over sixteen years in specific structures under the responsibility of the CASNAV. In others, there was no specific structure before 2019. The project for this study day is to initiate exchanges between speakers from different geographical and professional backgrounds in order to understand diversity and convergence. We see it as a first step towards a more ambitious collaborative research project including practitioners and researchers.

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